Customs Support broadens Safety and Degassing services with acquisition of GOC Rotterdam
Customs Support, the independent and dynamic partner for customs and gas safety matters in Europe, announces the acquisitions of GOC Rotterdam. Custom Support’s ambition is to be the leading digital customs broker in Europe with strong ancillary services. This acquisition will strengthen our safety and gas analysis services in The Netherlands.

The Importance of Measuring Gas in Shipping Containers
90 Percent of the world’s cargo is transported by shipping container. The number of containers keeps increasing. In 2019 the total throughput was 800 million TEU. TEU stands for Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit, the length of a standard shipping container. COVID caused a small dip in the increase for 2020, but the forecast for 2021 is 827 million and the total throughput is forecasted to rise to 924 million in 2024.