Customs Clearance

Customs Support enables businesses across Europe with fast, accurate and compliant customs clearance.

  • End-to-end customs clearance services in import, export and transit
  • 1900+ customs experts with deep industry expertise
  • Improved customs clearance services through digital innovation
Team Customs Support
What can we offer

Solving customs challenges

Customs clearance is necessary to release your goods for free circulation. However, as customs conditions and regulations change and you will encounter a multitude of technical terms when importing and exporting goods, it will be difficult to organise customs processes efficiently. Similarly, importing and exporting goods can lead to delays in the supply chain due to difficulties such as misclassification of goods, incorrect tax calculations or labelling issues. Customs Support specialises in customs clearance of all kinds! Contact us today - we'll help you meet the challenges of customs clearance.

Optimising the customs clearance process

In general, customs clearance involves five stages - from the customs declaration to the preliminary examination, followed by verification, the customs report and the release of the goods. We can support you throughout the customs clearance process or take over the entire process for you. It all starts with competent advice, during which we make concrete recommendations for action based on your challenges. 
With Customs Support, you have Europe's leading customs specialist at your side as your customs clearance service provider!

Customs clearance services

Customs Support has qualified customs consultants throughout Europe and the UK, providing companies like yours with fast, accurate and compliant customs clearance every day.

Import, Export and Transit Services

We provide companies importing goods from third countries or exporting goods to third countries with a full range of customs services. We perform risk assessments, complete and check documentation, handle the administration, assist with physical checks of the shipment, give advice on VAT and more. Where your goods are transported within the European Union without bringing them into free circulation, we create the necessary T-1 documents to keep your goods moving. Find out more about our clearance services:

Customs Support Offers End-to-End Customs Services
Fast, accurate and compliant, all across Europe
Full service digital

Full-Service Customs Expertise

We have it covered end-to-end: everything from processing declarations, consultancy, supply chain optimisation to containergas measurements


Experienced Specialists

Our 1900+ experts with over 20+ years of industry specific customs experience ensure the highest compliance standards throughout Europe 

Digital Cloud

Digital Customs Solutions

Our cutting-edge IT solutions enable you to monitor all processes 24/7, while we adapt to digital trends to ensure the highest security standards


Global Knowledge, local presence

We link your local customs needs to our global network of professionals across 100+ strategic locations in Europe 

Frequently Asked Questions | Customs Clearance

How long does customs clearance take?

Experience shows that customs clearance can take between 12 and 24 hours, and can vary depending on the department's workload. In addition, the customs clearance process may take longer if the relevant documents are not available, if the documents are incorrect or if the goods need to be examined carefully.

What documents are required for customs clearance?

When importing goods, the certificate of origin and the import authorisation are considered to be the main customs documents. However, a certificate of conformity, a movement of goods declaration or an import control declaration may also be required for the import and export of goods.

How much does customs clearance cost?

In principle, the administrative costs of the customs authorities are free of charge. If special services are provided, charges are levied or expenses reimbursed on the basis of the Ordinance on Customs Fees.

What goods need to be cleared through customs?

Goods may be transported within the EU without restriction. However, if the goods cross the EU border, they must do so in accordance with the customs rules in force, which means that taxes are levied. The charges levied by the customs authorities are linked to EU regulations.

Can I clear customs myself?

Although the customs clearance procedure can be complicated, you can draw up and submit an import declaration yourself or via a logistics partner. Although EU customs authorities are linked by trade agreements, they still use different electronic platforms to prepare and submit import declarations, so the process can vary considerably from country to country. In addition, keeping track of changes in legislation and regulations can be time-consuming, which can lead to errors. The resulting complexity of customs clearance can lead to delays and high fines, which is why we would recommend carrying out this process with a specialist like us.

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